Dino Jonsäter
    big little lies | season 2
    editor: dino jonsäter director: andrea arnold producer: barbara h. hall & david auge director of photography: yves belanger &. jim frohna production company: david e. kelley productions / hbo
    editor: dino jonsäter director: peter grönlund producer: frida bargo | jon mankell | mattias nohrborg executive producer: fredrik heinig director of photography: gösta reiland production company: b-reel films
    editor: dino jonsäter director: lance edmands producer: garret p. fennelly | kyle martin | alexander schepsman director of photography: jody lee lipes production company: killer films / film i väst
    love & mercy
    editor: dino jonsäter director: bill pohlad producer: bill pohlad | claire rudnick | john wells executive producer: jim leifkowitz | oren moverman | ann ruark director of photography: roberd d. yeoman production company: battle mountain films / river road entertainment
    concerning violence
    editor: dino jonsäter director: göran olsson producer: tobias janson production company: story
    tinker tailor soldier spy
    editor: dino jonsäter director: tomas alfredson producer: tim bevan | eric fellner | robyn slovo director of photography: hoyte van hoytema production company: working title films / studio canal
    låt den rätte komma in
    editor: dino jonsäter director: tomas alfredson producer: carl molinder | john nordling director of photography: hoyte van hoytema production company: efti
    editor: dino jonsäter director: hans petter moland producers: michael besman | roger birnbaum | eric gold | warren goz director of photography: philip remy øgaard production company: sculptor media & electromagnetic productions
    editor: dino jonsäter director: farhad safinia producers: gastón pavlovich & nicolas chartier director of photography: kasper tuxen production company: voltage pictures
    editor: dino jonsäter & alice kastrup möller director: tomas alfredson producers: christian bank | jonas allen | peter bose executive producers: tomas alfredson | anna croneman | göran danasten director of photography: monika lenczewska production company: miso film
    editor: dino jonsäter associate editor: peter wendin director: lasse hallström producer: helena danielsson & lasse hallström executive producer: josephine zapata | camilla rydbacken | helena sandermark | alexander tanno | filippa wallestam director of photography: ragna jorming production company: nordic entertainment group
    editor: dino jonsäter director: tomas jonsgården producer: magnus åkerstedt executive producer: chris barrett & verity white director of photography: sebastian blenkov production company: creators inc
    editor: dino jonsäter associate editor: alice kastrup möller director: abbe hassan producer: anna-klara carlsten | mattias nohrborg | olle wirenhed executive producer: fredrik heinig | daniel bramme | simos manganis director of photography: petrus sjövik production company: brf
    världens vackraste pojke
    editor: dino jonsäter director: kristina lindström producer: stina gardell director of photography: erik vallsten production company: mantaray
    editor: dino jonsäter director: peter grönlund producer: mattias arehn director of photography: petrus sjövik production company: filmlance / hbo