Marcus Kryler
    editor: marcus kryler colorist: joakim rissveds director: gustav egerstedt proucer: iris russell executive producer: calle isberg director of photography: axel pettersson production company: giants & toys
    editor: marcus kryler director: sara haag producer: magnus theorin executive producer: sofia swahn director of photography: crille forsberg production company: bleck agency: åkestam holst
    editor: marcus kryler director: jesper hiro producer: kith hansen production company: brf
    RE:MEMBER | it’s a credit card
    editor: marcus kryler directors: jakob eriksson & erik wingfors producer: kith hansen director of photography: simon rudholm production company: filmfabrikör
    editor: marcus kryler edit assistant: kim ramsell director: mats / traktor producer: calle isberg production company: giants & toys
    MOBILEPAY | makes difficult easy
    editor: marcus kryler director: traktor producer: mimmi silfverlood executive producer: calle isberg director of photography: tim maurice jones production company: giants & toys agency: &co
    editor: marcus kryler director: emil möller producer: konrad patocs executive producer: tilde frantzén director of photography: fredrik wenzel | axel pettersson production company: giants & toys agency: ddb house
    editor: marcus kryler director: traktor producer christian rhenfors production company: giants & toys
    burger king
    editor: marcus kryler director: filip tellander executive producer: calle isberg director of photography: august sandström production company: giants & toys
    försvarsmakten | studenten
    editor: marcus kryler director: nådde hansson director of photography: josephine owe production company: madre pictures agency: volt
    systembolaget | no!
    editor: marcus kryler director: jesper ericstam executive producer: magnus theorin & henrik lagercrantz director of photography: henrik stenberg production company: social club agency: nord ddb
    electric ireland
    editor: marcus kryler director: tomas jonsgården director of photography: rasmus videbaek production company: red rage film
    editor: marcus kryler director: traktor producer: magnus theorin executive producer: christian rehnfors director of photography: crille forsberg production company: giants & toys agency: tele2 chimney
    bredbandsbolaget | monopol
    editor: marcus kryler director: tobias bergman production company: folkefilm
    editor: marcus kryler director: tomas jonsgården production company: bacon
    editor: marcus kryler director: jesper ericstam producer: kris mathur production company: backyard
    editor: marcus kryler director: jesper ericstam executive producer: magnus theorin director of photography: henrik stenberg production company: social club agency: anorak
    betsson | cake
    editor: marcus kryler director: stylewar producer: robert feniger production company: bleck agency: garbergs
    one call | wedding
    editor: marcus kryler director: jesper ericstam director of photography: henrik stenberg production company: social club
    editors: fredrik åkerström & marcus kryler director: traktor producer: calle isberg director of photography: roman vasyanov production company: giants & toys agency: save our souls