editor: miguel angel regalado
director: jonas löhr
producer: alexandra figone
production company: fwb agency
editor: miguel angel regalado
director: sandberg & timonen
producer: nils ljunggren
production company: nlab
editor: miguel angel regalado
producer: cecilia klaus
production company: hello production
h&m | spring fashion story
editor: miguel angel regaladoproduction company: day international
editor: miguel angel regalado
colorist: joakim rissveds
vfx/online: stefan ekman
director: thomas cristiani
director of photography: hampus nordenson
production company: chimi
rodebjer | ss22
editor: miguel angel regalado
director: nicolas pedde lay
production company: public image
singular society
editor: miguel angel regalado
director: bruto studio
producer: marie brusewitz
production company: bruto studio
editor: miguel angel regaladodirector: adrian levanderproduction company: studio adrian levander
robyn & röyksopp | say it | visuals
editor: miguel angel regaladoglitch: miguel angel regaladodirector: kacper kasprzyk & sandberg & timonenproduction company: strange cargo
robyn & röyksopp | none of them | visuals
editor: miguel angel regalado
& other stories
editor: miguel angel regalado
colorist: sabina törnberg
online/vfx: stefan ekman
director: johanna lavold
producer: gabrielle didier
production company: h&m
editor: miguel angel regalado
director: lucas blom
producer: victor lindström
production company: pine
editor: miguel angel regalado
colorist: joakim rissveds
sound design: mattias kocken eklund
vfx/online: stefan ekman
director: dennis wernersson
art director: hanna metcalfe
director of photography: dennis wernersson
producer: amanda polla
editor: miguel angel regalado & maceo frost
colorist: nicke cantarelli
director: maceo frost
producer: kirmo manninen
director of photography: tuomas nurmi
production company: studio biji & bwgtbld
editor: miguel angel regalado
colorist: edward negussie
vfx/online: stefan ekman
director: axel lindahl
producer: niclas drotz
production company: fwb
UNNA | the good place
editor: miguel angel regalado
colorist: joakim rissveds
director: felix scheynius
producer: zoe dymott
executive producer: erik torell & moa looft
director of photography: niklas johansson
production company: newland
editor: miguel angel regalado
colorist: sander van wijk
vfx/online: stefan ekman
art director: meike fleskens-kempen
director of photography: teitur ardal
production: daniel wellington
h&m | innovation science story
editor: miguel angel regalado
director: axel lindahl
director of photography: eddie whelan
production company: the producers
h&m | essentials man
editor: miguel angel regaladodirector: kacper kasprzykproduction company: day international